I have neglected my blog for about 5 months. I was so busy in November, preparing for my wedding, went for my honeymoon in December. After honeymoon, I spent quite a while adapting to my new life whereby I need to do all the household chores on top of my work. Luckily my hubby did help out with me. But I am still in the process of getting use to it.
However, I did not gave up my love - baking. I did bake and try out new recipes but I recorded down in my traditional diary as I am not an IT savvy person. Now that I have my own kitchen, I spent the whole day there whenever I am free.
Yesterday, I made Red Dates Longan Konnyaku Jelly. My mum gave me lots of red dates and dried longan and told me to brew it to drink. According to her, it will build up my immunity. I was to busy to do so. Since they were sitting in my fridge for so long, I decided to whip up a jelly with them.
First, I threw 12 red dates and 48 pieces of dried longan into 1.2
l of water and brew it for about half and hour. Threw away the red dates and longan as they were tasteless. Measured 950
ml of the longan drink, together with 210g of black sugar, 24 pieces of new dried longan and the jelly powder, I stirred it over medium fire until it boiled. Off the fire and stir the mixture till there was no more bubbles. It filled up 3 standard konnyaku jelly trays. Chill before serving.

The taste is refreshing and taste just like the red dates longan tea that you drink . I placed a piece of longan in each jelly to add in some crunch. If you want to get a red pyramid for your jelly, you may reduce the sugar by 30g. Haha. I think it is really good if you add black sugar instead of castor sugar in order for your jelly to taste authentic. Haha. My family loves it. I accept each comments that they gave me. Be it positive or negative ones. It helps me to do better next time. Baking is a lifelong learning process. And I love it.